Joshua Awesome is a Coaching Psychologist/Executive and Business Performance Coach who has supported over 100,000 professionals across Africa and the globe. He can be reached via:

“SOAR – Step Out in Action Recalibrating”   It’s a great day! Get really excited about this (G.R.E.A.T) gift of a brand-new

“Stress and Anxiety Cause Our Brains to Release Chemicals That Put Lines in Our Faces and Tear Us Down Emotionally and Spiritually”

“We make A Living By What We Get, We Make A Life By What We Give”- Sir. Winston Churchill   Way back in the Third Century, a man

 “A heart that expresses gratitude Glows, Shines forth with attitude”                                   – Joshua Awesome  

“The entire earth and creation’s wellbeing guarantees flourishing from human behaviour or reverse.” – Joshua Awesome  

It is 8.20 a.m. and I am getting ready for my day. Suddenly, my phone rings. I pick it up and on the other side is the voice of a

“Energ y understood can be best unlocked” – Joshua AWESOME Coaching ps ychologist, executive coach & New York Times best