Lilian Chudey Pride, “The Childless Woman’s Coach”, is author of “Life Beyond Motherhood”; “Dignity of Womanhood”, and the publisher of, an online magazine. Her books can be found on and she can be reached on email:; and

Many people live with emotional tags, and they seem to have conditioned their lives to these tags. Quite often, members of society and

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Monetisation mindset, social media content creators and relationships in “Women, Policy & Society” column by Lilian Chudey Pride,

Monetisation mindset seems to have turned social media platforms red-hot as the business of content creation is fast becoming the new

In recent times, reports and cases of gender-based violence, divorce, incessant killings and related mishaps in many relationships

The devastating rains and flooding which swept across towns and cities in Nigeria in recent weeks compelled a critical look into the

In many traditions of the world, the model of marriage is usually perceived as where a partner typically assumes the role of a bread

Childlessness has for long been an issue that is not boldly broached in our society.  It is supposedly, deeply personal, and often

The present generation is living with multiple benefits of Smart Technologies in various facets of life: social, family, education,