Michael Irene is a data and information governance practitioner based in London, United Kingdom. He is also a Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK, and can be reached via moshoke@yahoo.com; twitter: @moshoke

You open a webpage. Before you even get a glimpse of the content, a message blocks your screen: “We value your privacy. Accept all

Pseudonymisation is one of those things that gets thrown around in data protection conversations, but many businesses don’t fully

Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) are a crucial element of privacy compliance, particularly under data protection laws. They

Dear reader,   First you must be aware that every click, every tap, and every whispered query to a digital assistant you do

There’s a phrase I hear tossed around a lot in conversations about data, particularly from the upper echelons of organisations:

Social media has become an inseparable part of daily life. From WhatsApp conversations that span continents to the addictive pull of

The room was dark except for the dim glow of a flickering streetlight outside. Sergeant Bala was halfway through his third cup of

It happened again the other day. I was shopping online, casually browsing for some home essentials. I found a couple of items I liked,

Privacy is a fundamental right that everyone values, but safeguarding it in our increasingly interconnected world is no simple task.

Privacy and security are often discussed together, but they are not the same. Privacy is about protecting personal information and