Michael Irene is a data and information governance practitioner based in London, United Kingdom. He is also a Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK, and can be reached via moshoke@yahoo.com; twitter: @moshoke

The data privacy and information security landscape in Nigeria is shifting rapidly. Regulatory scrutiny is increasing, businesses are

In my work as a consultant, I have observed a concerning trend in how organisations approach the integration of AI within their supply

“We need to create more holistic professionals that have a vertical expertise in privacy but also horizontal knowledge in adjacent

If I had told you ten years ago that companies would adopt artificial intelligence in massive tranches, you’d likely have dismissed

You open a webpage. Before you even get a glimpse of the content, a message blocks your screen: “We value your privacy. Accept all

Pseudonymisation is one of those things that gets thrown around in data protection conversations, but many businesses don’t fully

Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) are a crucial element of privacy compliance, particularly under data protection laws. They

Dear reader,   First you must be aware that every click, every tap, and every whispered query to a digital assistant you do

There’s a phrase I hear tossed around a lot in conversations about data, particularly from the upper echelons of organisations:

Social media has become an inseparable part of daily life. From WhatsApp conversations that span continents to the addictive pull of