Michael Irene
Michael Irene is a data and information governance practitioner based in London, United Kingdom. He is also a Fellow of Higher Education Academy, UK, and can be reached via moshoke@yahoo.com; twitter: @moshoke
On regulations, regulators and business
Michael IreneApril 19, 2021
Regulations and regulators play a critical role in any community. It can protect citizens and prevent exposures to unwarranted risks.
Strengthening information management systems to improve end-to-end transparency
Michael IreneApril 12, 2021
Companies are aware that creating a solid information management system such as having the right policies, training staffs and having
The security principle in data protection regulation
Michael IreneApril 6, 2021
There are so many components within the Nigerian Data Protection Regulation (NDPR), and even in the European General Data Protection
Some thoughts on cookie consent
Michael IreneMarch 23, 2021
These days, almost every website requires individuals to fill consent form or affirmatively agree to allow the site to place cookies
Big data, ethics & regulation and the future
Michael IreneMarch 15, 2021
From all indications and numerous researches, businesses will rely heavily on the use of big data. Companies want to know their
Need to trigger data protection impact assessment
Michael IreneMarch 8, 2021
Mark started working with this new fintech company as one of the software developers. He knows how to make products that make
Incorporating three lines of defence in data privacy schemes
Michael IreneMarch 1, 2021
Regulators, stakeholders and customers agree that there is a need for firms, institutions and any institution that holds data to have
Technology and healthcare: Role of data privacy
Michael IreneFebruary 15, 2021
Dotun checks his phone, and an application informs him that he needs to take his required medication for that time. Hours later, the
Thoughts on Facebook’s data privacy schemes
Michael IreneFebruary 8, 2021
Many people trust social media companies like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, to mention those three despite opinion polls showing low
Non-existence of data privacy framework in Nigerian schools
Michael IreneFebruary 1, 2021
Less than one per cent of Nigerian schools are compliant with the Nigerian Data Protection Regulation (NDPR). Yet, many schools manage