Olufemi Adedamola Oyedele, MPhil. in Construction Management, managing director/CEO, Fame Oyster & Co. Nigeria, is an expert in real estate investment, a registered estate surveyor and valuer, and an experienced construction project manager. He can be reached on +2348137564200 (text only) or femoyede@gmail.com

Management has been variously defined by different scholars and management experts. In summary, management has been defined as the

  OLUFEMI ADEDAMOLA OYEDELE Olufemi Adedamola Oyedele, MPhil. in Construction Management, managing director/CEO, Fame Oyster

Mentorship in business is the tutelage, patronage, influence, guidance, or direction given by a person who is an expert in a business

As more facts are emerging about the claim that ‘leadership’ is the most important factor in business, more interests are also being

Standard Chartered Bank Plc, a financial institution with headquarters in London, United Kingdom, and strong presence in Africa, has

Continued from last week Employee engagement and emotional outcomes are interrelated. In theory, highly engaged employees are more

Almost everything we do in life relates to emotions. In our homes, workplaces and, sometimes, while transiting from our offices to

There are Nigerian philosophies that say you have to suffer before you come into wealth; that it is only an achievement that one

Festive period is a season of high sales! People buy at a record rate to celebrate the New Year. Statista, a global data and business

A corporate identity or corporate image is the approach in which a corporation, firm or business enterprise presents itself to the