Is Algorithmic Management Too Controlling?
New research from Wharton’s Lindsey Cameron looks at how gig workers are dealing with strict managers who aren’t human.
Is Algorithmic Management Too Controlling?
New research from Wharton’s Lindsey Cameron looks at how gig workers are dealing with strict managers who aren’t human. The
Summer Reading: Wharton Faculty Picks
Wharton professors recommend their favorite books, from leadership primers to biographies and social commentary. The following
From Amazon to Uber: Why Platform Accountability Requires a Holistic Approach
Platform companies like Uber, Amazon, and Instacart wield immense influence over workers. New research co-authored by Wharton’s
Hero Worship: What Happens When Jobs are Suddenly Moralized
Instacart, Shipt, and other grocery-shopping services had been around for years without anyone giving much thought to the poorly paid