BY MICHAEL IRENE, PhD Data protection risks are uncertain. When one puts the increasing changes that technology presents and the

BY MICHAEL IRENE, PhD Data protection risks are uncertain. When one puts the increasing changes that technology presents and the

The adoption of Business Impact Analysis (BIA) in any organisation offers significant potential. With the right focused and strategic

WhatsApp’s privacy policy story recently rocked the global news wave. Here is a summary. They claim that they would transfer

By Michael Irene   Some weeks ago, in Nigeria and other parts of the world, many people took to the streets to protest against

As the world grapples with the unprecedented spread of coronavirus, the role of data gathering becomes prominent. Oliver Morgan, the

By Michael Irene, PhD Twitter: @moshoke Email:   If your company does not collect, use or

By Michael Irene, PhD Twitter: @moshoke Email:   Data protection regulation has come to stay. It

By Michael Irene, PhD Twitter: @moshoke Email:   There is a new saying: “data is the new oil”.

By Michael Irene, PhD Twitter: @moshoke Email:   Any data privacy regulation raises confusion,