‘American dream’ may be over for Indians and that is a good thing
Businessam Staff
June 4, 2017

Look up the definition of ‘the American dream’ and Google enlightens you with this: “The ideal by which equality of opportunity is available to any American, allowing the highest aspirations and goals to be achieved.” To illuminate the point, it provides an example sentence: The scapegoating of today’s immigrants makes a mockery of the American […]
Are they dead yet? Experts come together to define the exact moment we die
Businessam Staff
June 3, 2017

Only two things are certain in life: death and taxes. Or so we thought. For, while it might be everyone’s ultimate fate, establishing whether someone has actually ceased to be is a source of some uncertainty, according to world-leading experts on the subject. Now they are gathering for the Euroanaesthesia congress in Geneva in the […]
Why it’s worth paying for an office instead of working from home
Businessam Staff
June 2, 2017

My daily commute is about 30 slow, zombie shuffles between my bedroom and my home office. While I’m grateful to say I have the option to work wherever and whenever I want, I sometimes love-hate my arrangement. Because working from home has a way of slowly sucking away your sanity. I’m a vagabonding writer who’s […]
How UNESCO got it wrong in Africa
Businessam Staff
May 30, 2017

Since 1972, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, has maintained a “World Heritage List” of sites that it deems to have an exceptional value. This list, which aims to preserve the world’s cultural and natural heritage, has sparked global tensions and drawn criticism that it doesn’t give adequate attention to the […]
Negativity bias: why conservatives are more swayed by threats than liberals
Businessam Staff
May 30, 2017

Do liberals and conservatives experience messages in a fundamentally different way? We all tend to give more weight to negative messages than positive. Recent research reveals that this psychological bias is much stronger in conservatives than liberals Believing what we are told is critical to our development as a species. It allows us to accumulate […]
How safe is your summer holiday destination? Global threat levels revealed
Businessam Staff
May 29, 2017

Planning your holiday? Check the latest threat levels from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office first Have you planned your summer holiday yet? The recent terror attack in Manchester and the country being put on a critical threat level as a result has caused many holiday-makers to think twice about booking a trip. Whilst the terror […]
Apple uses its chip expertise to move ahead in AI
Businessam Staff
May 27, 2017

Mark Gurman, who seems to have quite a few reliable contacts around the Valley, reports in Bloomberg that Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) is working on a hardware acceleration chip for artificial intelligence (AI) processing. The chip is known internally as the Apple Neural Engine. The chip could be incorporated into Apple mobile devices such as iPhone and […]
OPEC should watch Glencore’s Bunge jump
Businessam Staff
May 25, 2017

Glencore PLC’s designs on Bunge Ltd. have roiled the grain-trading world. Anyone with an interest in oil might also find it worthwhile to take a five-minute break from their OPEC vigil to consider this particular merger.As my colleague Gillian Tan laid out here, several factors have pushed Glencore toward Bunge. For its part, Bunge said […]
Lessons from a JetBlue founder on creating a High-flying startup culture
Businessam Staff
May 25, 2017

As major airlines deal with one PR crisis after another, one carrier has managed to fly above the turbulence: JetBlue airways. When United’s passenger-removal dilemma — and its viral video — became a social media nightmare, JetBlue highlighted its no-overbooking policy. While American Airlines and others are catching flak for reducing seat size, JetBlue can […]
How Snapchat, Airbnb, and Uber prove that just having an idea is worth more money than you think
Businessam Staff
May 25, 2017

In the pre-Internet 1900s, people protected business ideas because the opportunity to be “first” was a realistic possibility. Being first-to-market was a huge competitive advantage. To entrepreneurs like Thomas Edison and George Westinghouse and even the early dot-com boomers, ideas were hugely valuable and worth protecting. In the 2000s, business ideas are now a dime […]