Executing with impact

Prioritising taxpayer enumeration

There is never a cartel on new ideas. Millions of people are possibly thinking about the same thing at every point in time. Usually, it is the first person to debut with substantive execution of an idea that claims the right to its ownership. Thoughts are only useful and make sense when implemented to yield […]

How essential are certificates and degrees today?

Prioritising taxpayer enumeration

In recent years, how relevant are the many certificates and degrees that we amass? Is it still necessary to seek university education for certain kinds of academic courses which ordinarily are learnable through self-directed studying over the internet? This concern is a raging debate today. The discussion gains force by the fact that highly referenced […]

What of private sector corruption?

Prioritising taxpayer enumeration

Most discussions of corruption tend to narrowly focus on the financial sleazes that take place in the public sector. Rarely do we consider that unethical economic behaviours occurring in the private sector also constitute corruption. Perhaps, exceptions may appear to include the financial crimes committed at the banks and to some lesser extent in some […]

On the politicisation of our circumstantial realities

Prioritising taxpayer enumeration

The realities of our time are dreadful. From the starvation bedevilling northern Nigeria to the terrorism of herdsmen killing and maiming their unfortunate victims across the country, uncertainty and fear fill the air. Our honestly earned income can no longer feed our families not to talk of providing suitable clothing and shelter. The roads are […]

Rethinking Nigeria’s migration profile

Prioritising taxpayer enumeration

We are a people bathing inside a stream but hurt by the foam from the soap used. In every corner of the world, we have competent professionals striding gallantly in virtually every aspect of human endeavour. From law to languages to medicine to engineering, we have Nigerian men and women of stature whose highly impactful […]

Why blame Dangote?

Prioritising taxpayer enumeration

Consistent with our Nigerian nature, the plan by the Dangote Group to import 10,000 Indonesian-made light pickup trucks that it plans to sell to its customers in Africa has received strident condemnations. The Dangote Group intends to market these trucks which can carry water, cassava and seed processors to customers in its value chains. Procurement […]

Lessons of Shiites Christmas visit to a Christian church

Prioritising taxpayer enumeration

Regardless of the underlying causes, intolerance and suspicion of each other by people of various faiths have significantly affected our socio-economic development negatively. The resulting tension often affects communal peace and enterprise. Unfortunately, often fanaticism and uncontrolled religious emotions are behind the old conflicts that fuelled today’s suspicion and intolerance. Good examples include the 1987 […]

Are we ready for the science and technology frontier?

Prioritising taxpayer enumeration

This year is the threshold of the decade of ultra-digital science and the technologies that latch on it. Given the experiences of the past decade, it is evident that the coming years will usher us into a much smarter world of incredible scientific and technological revolutions predicated on artificial superintelligence. In the past few years, […]

Hoping for a genuinely reformed police

Prioritising taxpayer enumeration

We all know that the police is not necessarily your friend. At least not in all cases. However, the Nigerian police still deserve some commendation in the many accomplishments that it has recorded over the years. Those achievements are partially contributory to the economic successes that we have also recorded. Perhaps apart from the sale […]

Mental models frustrating our collective prosperity

Prioritising taxpayer enumeration

Sometimes, the most enduring solutions to problems are rooted in the mental models that feed them. In the same vein, challenges can become more complicated, the more the underlying mental models that support them fail the tests of facts and logic. Common culprits are many of the popular systems of beliefs rooted in tradition, religion, […]