Why banks are reducing your international spending limit and how it affects you
Saviour Adugba
August 28, 2020

Saviour Adugba Most banks in Nigeria recently reviewed their customers’ international spending limit downwards with many of the banks capping the international spend limit per customer at $100 per day. In this report, Business A.M.’s Saviour Adugba, takes a look at why banks have decided to go this route while examining the effects it […]
Millennials are not adequately saving for retirement, study finds
Businessam Staff
March 6, 2018

According to the U.S. Census, millennials accounted for more than 25 percent of the population in 2015, yet this significant segment of the workforce might not be prepared for retirement. In a new study, researchers from the University of Missouri found that only 37.2 percent of working millennials have retirement accounts, demonstrating a need for […]
How to teach your kids about money
Businessam Staff
February 22, 2018

Do you know how to teach your kids about money? Think back to your childhood. Who taught you how to manage money? Who taught you to write a check? Who explained what compound interest is? You may have learned to write a check in Life Skills class in school or perhaps Mom and Dad showed […]
Financial benefit of skipping Valentine’s day
Businessam Staff
February 14, 2018

When Yvette Pappoe first started dating her now-fiance, they attempted the traditional Valentine’s Day restaurant dinner. But Cupid had other plans in mind. As the two headed out into the cold to find a romantic dinner spot, they quickly realized every restaurant was booked. Fortunately, inspiration struck, Pappoe says, when her fiance realized that the […]
Five tips to planing a budget-friendly honeymoon
Businessam Staff
February 10, 2018

Marriages are made in heaven but honeymoons are supposed to be relished on earth. But going by how lavish some weddings are, most couples end up looking for budget honeymoon destinations. The good news is that there are plenty of budget-friendly destinations, just that they are perhaps not that popular. Besides the choice of destination, there are many […]
Personal finance rules you should know by heart
Businessam Staff
January 21, 2018

There are tons of personal finance tips, tricks, and rules that can greatly improve your financial well-being. However, some are more important than others. Here are four personal finance rules in particular that are extremely important to your financial health, both now and in the future. Avoid credit card debt — in most cases Most […]
Ways to get richer by end of 2018
Businessam Staff
January 15, 2018

The start of a new year is a great time to resolve to do better financially. But we all know how that tends to go — a few months pass, and suddenly, you’re back to your old ways. Thankfully, there are a few steps you can take to end the current year richer than you […]
Financial habits of post-millennial generation
Businessam Staff
January 10, 2018

Those born from 1995 onward known as members of the Generation Z or iGeneration are starting to catch the attention of businesses. With growing consuming power, they are the newest entrants to the workforce and already pitted against the millennials. But without resorting to such contrasts and comparisons, let’s take a look at how Gen Z can […]
Ways to boost your income in 2018
Businessam Staff
January 8, 2018

Whether or not you got a raise going into the new year, one thing’s for sure, most of us could just plain use more money. If you’re looking to boost your income and gain the flexibility that comes with it, here are a few ways to accomplish that goal. 1. Get a side hustle When […]
Why you should be spending more money in 2018
Suzanne Woolley
December 19, 2017

With so much advice out there about saving money, being encouraged to spend could sound a little weird. But that’s what some financial services firms are telling retirees to do—to make a New Year’s resolution to use more of those dollars they’ve been socking away. With about 10,000 baby boomers turning 65 every day, more attention is being paid to “decumulation” strategies—the process […]