Programmed-trading seen distorting oil prices as swings confound traders

Energy analysts and investors, who are hard put on figuring out oil markets this year, are blaming algorithmic traders for the seeming illogical moves in prices, reports, New York-based Wall Street Journal (WSJ). On various days over the first six months of 2017, even amid signs of tightening supply, oil prices fell sharply, eventually sinking […]

$1 trillion investments lost in ongoing global oil industry downturn

A whooping sum of $1trillion in investments is estimated to have been lost by crude oil investors in the current downturn that has gripped the industry, Amin Nasser, president and chief executive officer of Saudi Aramco, is quoted by Bloomberg to have said Monday. A deeply uncertain oil supplies outlook has gripped the world for […]

Nigeria among four countries to benefit from $638m US aid

Nigeria, along with Yemen, Somalia and South Sudan, is to benefit from $638 million in new aids that have just been announced by the United States government, according to reports filed by Associated Press and obtained by Businessamlive. The four countries are regarded as places where conflict has helped to cause what the United Nations […]