Users will soon be able to use WhatsApp for more than just sending messages and pictures. WhatsApp may have started as an online

A new mobile solar electricity service, the Y’ello Box, has debut in Nigeria to power the lives and businesses of more than one

US tech giants, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube have on Monday, launch an anti-terror partnership aimed at thwarting the

Dominic Mensah, Prince Boakye Boampong, and Jesse Arhin Ghansah, the founders of OMG Digital OMG Digital, the Ghana-based media

After a seven year-long investigation, the European Commission is reportedly ready to slap Google’s parent company Alphabet with

Five African countries including Nigeria, Zambia, Uganda, Malawi and South Africa have been identified as having the highest risk

Moving images can now replace still pictures in fun new feature Facebook has just added a feature to their commenting functionality –

The wearables market, outside of smartwatches, is still in its infancy stage. Research firm IDC expects to see its sales double in

Samsung’s Galaxy S8 is easily the most classic looking phone on the planet with its curved edge-to-edge screen, but the best has

In a bid to keep its creator community happy, Facebook announced that it’s planning a whole new app just for them later this