In today’s digital world, personal stories often catch fire, spreading across the globe in a matter of hours. Recently, a viral

Last week, South Africa’s deputy president collapsed while delivering a speech at a government function. The sudden incident, caught

An Incident Is Just A Tip Of The Iceberg, A Sign Of A Much Larger Problem Below The Iceberg – Don Brown   In healthcare,

Last week, as I touched down in Ekurhuleni, South Africa, on World Suicide Prevention Day, the dark clouds overhead mirrored the

Let me tell you a true story.   Recently, I found myself on a working trip to the land of my birth, and accompanied a client whose son

“Victory is never concluded; conquering isn’t completed until life ends” – Dr. Joshua Awesome    As September begins,

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, once articulated: “There’s a kind of contempt we are dealt with when we present our Nigerian passport, which

The mind we hold today paints the masterpiece of the future, or so I’ve always believed. As someone who has facilitated workshops

“The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth,” says an African proverb that speaks to the heart

Umuntu ngumuntu ngabantu (A person is a person through other people) — Zulu Proverb   In a recent national television appearance