Unrealistic demands delay implementation of new minimum wage- HoS
July 22, 20191.1K views0 comments
Winifred Ekanem Oyo-Ita, the head of the civil service of the federation, has revealed that unrealistic demands from Senior Staff Union members are responsible for the delay in the implementation of the new national minimum wage.
The head of service who said this at a two-day retreat for top management staff of office of the Head of the Civil Service of the Federation as well as administrators of various Man-power Training Institutes, held in Abuja, also revealed that a presidential committee on consequential adjustment has been set up for smooth execution of the minimum wage.
Oyo-Ita who queried that the demands of mainly the senior staff unions should not be allowed to affect the implementation of the minimum wage, also said in the bid to avoid the continuous delay caused by the consequential adjustment in the process, they sought the approval of President Muhammadu Buhari on the implementation of the minimum wage with effect from April, 2019
The number one civil servant while also explaining that the reason for the two day retreat was to develop the capacity of the service through internal sources revealed that;
“The retreat will engage all man-power training institutes on the vision of the Federal Civil Service Strategy and Implementation Plan, FCSIP as it relates to capacity development and training”.
“This is specifically in the areas of SMAT-P and the LEAD-P programmes. The manpower development institutes are expected to provide the resource facility for these training modules. We don’t want to be leveraging on external consultants. If we use our MDIs, they will now have the opportunities to prove themselves and perform excellently well”, she said.