Saudi Arabia to build $200bn solar power farm to reduce dependence on oil

In its latest efforts to increase access to renewables and reduce dependence on oil, Saudi Arabia has drawn up plans to build the world’s biggest solar farm, which, if realized, would create 100,000 jobs in the oil-rich kingdom and produce 200 gigawatts (GW) of energy, a third more than the global photovoltaic industry supplied worldwide […]

More Africa homes get powered as Kenyan M-KOPA Solar secures more fund

M-KOPA Solar, Kenyan pay-as-you-go solar energy provider has secured a new round of funding that will be used to extend their product offering to more homes and individuals across Africa. The investment amount, which is undisclosed, includes a first-ever $10 million investment from FinDev Canada, according to ITWebAfrica. Led by U.K. government-owned investment company CDC, […]

Off-grid power rollout to boost rural telephony


Telecommunications services across Nigeria, especially rural areas, would improve in the near term as plans are underway to rollout a massive infrastructure for rural cellphone telephony system across Nigeria by Raeanna Nigeria Limited, an indigenous telecoms infrastructure company that creates affordable voice and data solutions. The company, according to its Canadian-based technical partner, Clear Blue […]

Microsoft to buy solar power in Singapore in first renewable deal in Asia

Microsoft Corp said on Thursday it will buy solar power from the Sunseap Group in Singapore, the technology company’s first renewable energy deal in Asia. Microsoft, according to report by Reuters, will purchase 100 percent of the electricity generated from Sunseap’s 60 megawatt-peak solar power project for 20 years for its Singapore data operations, the […]

Opportunities seen in diversifying Nigeria’s renewable energy sources

The major differences between fossil fuel and renewables as sources of energy can be found in two words: reliability and exhaustibility. Fossil fuels are controllable and readily available, but not inexhaustible. However, renewable energy, such as biomass, sun, wind, and water, is somewhat unreliable because we don’t control the energy to be generated, but they […]

Saudi Arabia plans up to $7bn of renewable energy projects this year

Saudi Arabia expects to start up to $7 billion of renewable energy projects this year, with solar plants leading the way. Tenders will be issued this year for eight projects totaling 4.125 gigawatts of capacity, Turki Mohammed Al Shehri, head of the kingdom’s Renewable Energy Project Development Office, said Tuesday in an interview in Abu […]

Demand for remote renewable energy systems propels power storage market in Sub Saharan Africa, Frost & Sullivan

The drive to integrate renewable energy into the grid whilst at the same time supply constant, reliable power for industry activities is one of the key factors driving the power storage market in Sub-Saharan Africa. Similarly, more residential consumers and rural communities are relying on RE technologies to meet their daily power requirements. While demand […]

Solar-powered cool rooms making big difference, fighting waste in Africa

Food waste in Africa is a serious issue. Half of all the fruit and vegetables produced there are thrown away, even though millions of people across the continent are going hungry. Intermittent power supplies and poor storage facilities mean that staple foods – among them cereals, roots, and tubers – are too often lost after […]