Who is responsible for corporate misconduct?

RESPONSIBILITY N. Craig Smith, INSEAD Chaired Professor of Ethics and Social Responsibility, and Eric W. Orts, Wharton Professor of Legal Studies & Business Ethics…. VW may have taken a big step towards resolving its emissions scandal in the United States with its recent guilty plea (at a cost of more than US$4.3 billion!), but its […]

Overcoming the misery of mega-project delivery

LEADERSHIP & ORGANISATIONS Vip Vyas, CEO of Distinctive Performance, and Diego Nannicini, Associate Consultant at Distinctive Performance (INSEAD MBA ‘14J) The “people aspect” of projects is more important than ever before. On 20 April 2010 an explosion took place in the Gulf of Mexico that forever altered the lives of many. The Deepwater Horizon drilling rig […]

A 10-point framework for the digital journey

LEADERSHIP & ORGANISATIONS D. Charles Galunic, INSEAD Professor of Organisational Behaviour Digitisation is here to stay so organisations should consider treating it as a long-term investment. In the near future, it may be difficult to imagine a company not involved in some way in digitisation. While Uber, Amazon and Netflix grab headlines for their growth […]

The dark and the darker sides of the market

ECONOMICS & FINANCE Bart Zhou Yueshen, INSEAD Assistant Professor of Finance, with Rachael Noyes, INSEAD Knowledge Europe Editor The nostalgic image of traders standing around on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, shouting at one another, throwing papers around is no more. Now unemotional computers are the traders, basing purchases on a tremendous […]

The role of digital in financial planning

ECONOMICS & FINANCE Lucas Weatherill, CEO & CIO at OnTrack Retirement, and Boris Liedtke, Distinguished Fellow, INSEAD Emerging Markets Institute Retirement planning, riddled with uncertainty and consumer biases as it is, may be best handled with a mix of digital and face-to-face advice. Historically, so long as your company and government stayed solvent, you knew […]

The virtues of unintelligent organisation design

  LEADERSHIP & ORGANISATIONS Julien Clément, INSEAD PhD student, and Phanish Puranam, INSEAD Professor of Strategy and Organisation Design Any structure at all is better than none, as long as it leaves some room to explore. Every organisation’s formal structure contains a host of assumptions about how, and with whom, members should interact in order […]

Warning: Do not just average predictions!

OPERATIONS Ville Satopää, INSEAD Assistant Professor of Technology and Operations Management At a 1906 livestock show in Plymouth, England, nearly 800 people participated in a contest to guess the weight of a slaughtered ox. The average of these estimates was 1,197 pounds. This is remarkable because the true weight of the ox turned out to […]

How to thrive in the subscription economy

STRATEGY Tien Tzuo, Founder & CEO, Zuora What you deliver and how you deliver it to customers has to be completely rethought. A trend began in 2007 that would soon be recognised as a once-in-a-century transformation of the way business is transacted: away from buying products towards subscribing to services. We call this new business […]

The double-edged sword of being a lean start-up

ENTREPRENEURSHIP Vikas Aggarwal, INSEAD Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship and Family Enterprise   Experimentation is vital in early-stage start-ups, but it involves a set of trade-offs that can influence a firm’s ability to adapt to future technological change. “Move fast and break things” was the oft-quoted motto of Facebook’s early days. This ethos of speed is […]

How your firm can reignite sales growth

MARKETING Amitava Chattopadhyay, INSEAD Professor of Marketing Connecting with a fundamental consumer concern can give your brand purpose and create a platform for long-term profitable growth. When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1997, the company’s annual losses were in excess of US$1 billion.  Bankruptcy loomed on the short-term horizon. One of Jobs’ first moves […]