How saving 3% more of each paycheck can boost your retirement savings by 33%
Businessam Staff
December 14, 2017

Even a few extra dollars per day can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars over time. The 401(k) plan is one of the greatest retirement tools available, and yet many people don’t take advantage of all its benefits. Research from Alight Solutions revealed that about one in five Americans don’t contribute enough to their […]
Do I need a budget?
Businessam Staff
December 14, 2017

You’re coasting along, paying your bills, and sticking a little bit of money into savings on the side. At face value, it would seem that you have a pretty decent handle on your finances. But if you’re not following a budget, you’re actually doing yourself a major disservice. Many people assume they don’t need a […]
Extortionate cost of Prince Harry, Meghan Markle’s royal wedding cake revealed
Businessam Staff
December 13, 2017

IBTimes UK revealed the predicted cost of the royal wedding over the weekend. Founder of wedding planning website and app Bridebook, Hamish Shepard, cited it would set the Royal family back a cool £1.5m. He said: ”Meghan and Harry’s wedding is expected to cost £1,463,273 [$1,964,312], and that’s not including the honeymoon or the £10m […]
Why you need to spread your money around
Businessam Staff
December 3, 2017

You’ve probably heard the term ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’ before. What does it mean and why am I talking about it? If you’re new to investing you might be slightly confused. Here’s where I’m going with this: if you put all your eggs (i.e. all your money or investments) into one […]
Ways to be better at money in 2018
Businessam Staff
December 3, 2017

Though there’s never a wrong time to get your finances in order, a new year is the perfect excuse to take a deep look at your relationship with money. Whether you’re just starting out in your career or you’re nearing retirement, below is The Times’s best financial advice from this year on earning and saving […]
Mistakes millennials often make with their money
Businessam Staff
December 2, 2017

Douglas Boneparth, co-author of “Millennial Money Fix,” shares the three biggest mistakes he sees millennials make that hold them back from financial success. Too often young people don’t identify what they want to save for, or create a plan of action to get there. Millennials also fail to master cash flow — which means budgeting […]
How much money you need to save each day to become a millionaire by age 65
Businessam Staff
November 28, 2017

How difficult is it to become a millionaire? It’s probably not as hard as you might think if you plan ahead. Author of “Smart Couples Finish Rich”, David Bach, came up with a chart showing how much money people at different ages should set aside each day in order to save a million dollars at […]
Is your giving hampered by a poverty mentality?
Businessam Staff
July 26, 2017

You’re completely committed to supporting others with your giving, and you’re doing everything possible to ensure that every penny of your charitable assets is going directly to the nonprofits that need it. That’s how you ensure the most effective use of your philanthropy, right? Wrong. Squeezing every penny into the philanthropic pipeline isn’t the same […]
Should frustrated savers gamble on the stock market or play it safe?
Businessam Staff
July 24, 2017

For savers it has become known as the lost decade. While there had been some prospect of the Bank of England raising interest rates in the near future, the hope was dashed this week when inflation figures fell unexpectedly for June. Also dashed were the hopes of savers that they would get something approaching a […]